The pick-and-place robot picks a part up at one station and places it onto another station. It moves a single part at any one time. The pick-and-place robot moves the part on to its successors within the flow of materials like this: - The part arrives at the exit of the predecessor. It notifies the pick-and-place robot that it wants to be picked up.
- The pick-and-place robot then decides if it picks the part up or not.
- Without a Pull control, the robot will be notified that a part wants to be picked up and it accepts it.
- When you entered a Pull Controlthe robot executes it, and when the part is selected, it will be picked up.
- The pick-and-place robot rotates to the respective predecessor and picks the part up.
- For determining the target station, the robot either uses its default exit strategies or the Target Control Within this method you set the target station.
The target control is called, when the robot picks up or when it places a part. Within the method setDestinationthe boolean argument controls, if the robot waits at the target station. - Then the pick-and-place robot rotates to the places station and places the part. Finally it rotates back to the standard position.
' i y7 f7 {) Q# l" m抓取装置(机器人)在一个工位抓起一个工件并将之放到另一个工位。它任何时候只能移动一个工件。
+ q# U; c$ g+ Q8 c抓取装置将物流材料移动到它的后续对象,其机制为:
. J/ l# Y; Q9 U6 r' o% p$ w·工件到达前驱对象的出口处。向抓取装置表明,希望它将之抓起来。$ N) G, a3 v6 W6 {) x, ]
1 K2 j3 X0 V* w* w, ]·如果没有“拉动”控制,装置将按照工件希望被抓起来处理,并且接受该请求。% L2 L' B N8 d0 k& S5 i, p$ U7 {
" g9 p3 Q, S7 a: y/ B·装置旋转至前驱对象,抓起工件。0 [' s, w3 j! X; I* M( x4 L
9 w. e9 w a% D2 b( }8 w: ]何时抓取或是何时放下都将由被调用的目标函数决定。需要时可以使用setDestination函数来确定目标位置。
# U z& d1 q2 v8 n·然后抓取装置旋转到目标位置,并将工件放下。最后,它将返回标准位置(笔者注:可以在“属性”,“默认角度”里进行设置)。
, U7 a2 X. W) u! q3 O& G' n 翻译比较粗略,还请见谅~~附件是我做的一个小例子。过程解释一下:有一道工序需要前一道工序和流水线上的物料进行组装,组装使用无人设备完成,而抓取装置需要严格地将前道工序和流水线上的按顺序放上设备,如果缺少物料,需要在流水线工位进行等待,一旦有物料过来马上抓取至设备。而当设备没有完成工作时,就算有物料,物料装置也必须等待设备完成工作才能进行抓取。
: e7 x+ S+ z* w' X 我编的程实现是实现了,但是感觉有点繁,哪位大侠可以指点一番,更加简化地完成这个控制。 |