在学习过程中,碰到函数getitemstate:if( getitemstate(theitem) == FRSTATE_INQUEUE )。查了command后:Description: | Returns the FixedResource state of the flowitem. This will be one of 3 values:
FRSTATE_INQUEUE: The flowitem is in-process; it has not been released yet.
FRSTATE_READY: The flowitem has been release, but has not found a downstream object that is ready to receive it.
FRSTATE_MOVEREQUESTED: The flowitem has been released, and a downstream object is ready to receive it, but the item is waiting to get picked up by a transport.
For more information, refer to the FixedResource documentation. | 那么,getitemstate(theitem) == FRSTATE_INQUEUE 是判断是否被释放。不明白的是:theitem什么情况是叫释放了?
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