Flexsim系统仿真软件-应用方向(一): 生产/装配仿真

Production or Assembly Simulation
What if we added another machine? What if we moved this process over there? What if we had a new machine with less down-time in that station? What if this operator was in charge of both machines?Whether the plant is producing cereal or assembling automobiles, FlexSim simulation software can identify, explore, and value potential improvements. Learn more about FlexSim simulation software or try FlexSim Express for free today!FlexSim simulation software is used by these clients, and many more, to improve their systems
新添设备如何影响效率?改变工艺流程对整体绩效有何影响?替换一台更低故障率的设备能提升多少工位效率?一位操作员能否同时负责两台设备?从谷物生产线到汽车总装流水线,FlexSim都能识别,探索和评估其可能存在的改进措施。FlexSim广泛应用于各类生产制造业者改进其生产系统,想要了解更多有关FlexSim的信息或即刻试用Flexsim的免费版本,请登录FlexSim官方网站或者中国总代理商北京创时能公司网站下载。 |