本帖最后由 focuscon 于 2009-7-16 16:31 编辑
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" N) _& `/ f) d* ?' y& C- FAs with analysis, verification of the model must be performed throughout a project. Because it's even more tedious and uninteresting than analyzing the simulation, it's easy to leave testing for late in the project.
8 L: v f) S. L: S DDon't do it! Simulation can be a powerful influence on decision-makers. If you reach conclusions based on a faulty model, you've done a greater disservice to your organization than if the simulation had not been performed at all. m4 J2 h1 U) [
Think about a test plan early in the project and revise it as you progress. Delivering a "state of the model" assessment, which grades the various segments of the model regarding quality and completeness, should be a standard part of your simulation project at each milestone.
1 q% B& m7 Q6 d- p----Deborah A. Sadowski |