Rel.occupation反应的应该是这个singleproc的前面的entity的到达情况,也就是说,只要这个singleproc前面的工站的entity处于可以被移转到这个singleproc的状态时,这个统计量就在工作了,和这个singleproc出于什么状态没有任何关系(无论他是处于empty、blocked、setup或者unplanned等)。 % t3 e" }' i0 o' t所以,setting-up和empty和Rel.occupation之间没有任何必然联系,也就不可能相加等于1.
The relative occupation is the capacity-based ratio of the time the object was occupied, not Paused and not Failed to " d$ T1 S5 w. W2 e- @( x6 `the time the object was not paused and not failed. Take a ParallelProc, with four processing stations, that processes ; t0 y& m: @, b6 V+ ]7 R9 Da single MU during the entire statistics collection period. It has a relative occupation of 25%. : w2 e7 U! x* o : u. `8 \! T0 ?" l/ m4 c这是HELP上的说明, 9 T# i ]8 N& v所以应该也不是您说的意思,: O$ d4 b; X. S8 D* B: R! i3 w6 a) g
因为您说的是有算到BLOCK的时间,& B7 S1 C9 m) q! b3 z E% X
而它会把BLOCK另外算, + l. J! B8 C A1 O+ o9 k' c, \$ a不过还是谢谢您的回应!